Your leadership in recovering Ukraine
Invest in infrastructure and ESG projects with UII
We are an investment consulting infrastructure company focused on attracting financing, construction, and management of infrastructure projects, with a particular emphasis on ESG projects.
We create a unique environment where project initiators have the opportunity to propose and implement projects, while investors can invest in selected potential projects in the field of infrastructure.
We manage a qualified team of experts in the fields of investment and infrastructure project management, including financiers, civil engineers, economists, lawyers, investment consultants, and project managers.
We can become your reliable advisor on legal, financial, and technical matters related to the implementation of infrastructure projects through public-private partnerships (PPP) and concessions.
We support the full cycle of infrastructure project implementation, from project initiation to operation, through mechanisms of PPP and concessions, and attract financing for the project through project financing mechanisms.
Who We Serve
a special company, or "project company," that is created to implement an infrastructure project, and manage processes, projects, and financial flows
Joint Venture
based on shared capital, joint management, and mutual distribution of results and risks
Enterprise with Foreign Investments
an enterprise of any organizational and legal form, established following the legislation of Ukraine, with foreign investment in its statutory capital, if available, amounting to at least 10%
a temporary statutory association of enterprises formed to achieve a common economic goal (implementation of an infrastructure project)
Debt capital
● Project and investment loans obtained from banks, institutional funds, family offices● Bridge loans● Corporate and infrastructure bonds, private bond placements● Other types of debt capital
Shareholder capital
● Sale of a company share● Direct investment in capital in exchange for a company share● Corporate financing● Acquisition of shares in a joint-stock company● Venture financing
Specialized investment instruments
● Shares of a Corporate Investment Fund (CIF)● Investment certificates of Mutual Investment Funds (MIF)● International financing● Institutional investments● Syndicates of investors● Investment pools
Our partners
Our partners include famous and reliable companies from all over the world.
About Us
Project Initiators
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About Us
Project Initiators
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© 2024 Ukraine Infrastructure Investments | All rights Reserved